Cracking the Executive Assessment (EA)

By: Beacon Community

(Admissions Consultant, EA Exam Experts.)


“Simplicity leads to depth”


Master the Craft!

In our ‘Master the Craft’ section, we focus on optimizing your study approach for the Executive Assessment (EA) using insights from the bestselling book “How to Become a Straight-A Student.” Key strategies include practical time management, prioritizing tasks, active learning, quality-focused study techniques, and deep understanding of subjects. We also emphasize the role of rest, physical health, effective note-taking, and taking practice tests like those available on Beacon Community. Our goal is to equip you with necessary skills to excel in your EA preparation.

1. Understanding the EA: A Test of Readiness

Before diving into studying habits, it’s important to understand what the EA evaluates. Unlike traditional standardized tests, the EA is designed to measure readiness for executive education programs. it evaluates your integrative reasoning, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning abilities. Your test prep should thus go beyond mere rote learning. 


2. Time Management: Prioritize & Organize

Just as a straight-A student juggles coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments, an EA aspirant must manage test preparation alongside work and personal responsibilities. Start with a realistic study schedule and stick to it. Prioritize based on your strengths and weaknesses. Refer below  for sample schedule.


Time Activity Notes
7:00-8:00 Wake-up, breakfast, and personal time This ensures you’re well-rested and starts your day on a positive note.
8:00-10:00 Deep Study Session #1 Tackle the most challenging tasks first while your mind is fresh.
10:00-10:30 Break Short rest to rejuvenate and refuel.
10:30-12:30 Deep Study Session #2 Continue working on priority tasks or subjects.
12:30-13:30 Lunch and Relaxation A proper meal and rest to recharge.
13:30-15:30 Deep Study Session #3 Choose tasks that require a high level of focus.
15:30-16:00 Break Rest and recuperate.
16:00-18:00 Review, Administrative Tasks, and Shallow Work Go through the day’s work, make plans for the next day, and handle low-energy tasks.
18:00-19:00 Exercise Physical activity for overall well-being.
19:00-20:00 Dinner Refuel your body with a nutritious meal.
20:00-21:00 Leisure and Relaxation Engage in activities you enjoy for balance.
21:00-22:00 Prep for Next Day & Wind-Down Routine Set up your plan for the next day and prepare for bed.
22:00 Bedtime Adequate sleep is critical for productivity and learning.

3. Quality over Quantity: Smart Studying

Straight-A students know cramming isn’t the way to go. Instead, engage in active studying – review, summarize, explain concepts aloud, and practice problems. Rather than spending hours on end studying, opt for regular, shorter study periods to maximize retention and understanding.

4. Practice Makes Perfect: Leverage Mock Tests

Much like successful students, the top EA aspirants practice, practice, and practice. The EA is designed to test not just knowledge but skills, which are best developed through regular practice. Make use of the mock tests available on the official EA website and other resources such as Beacon Community. They’re designed to closely resemble the actual test, helping you build your testing stamina, and understand the test pattern and question types. Try Real time simulated environment at


5. Understand your Weaknesses: Personalized Learning

Straight-A students understand their strengths and weaknesses and tailor their studying accordingly. The EA covers a wide range of topics; you may be stronger in some areas than others. Focus on understanding and improving your weak points, but don’t completely ignore your strengths.

6. Mental Fitness: Rest and Reflect

High-achieving students understand the importance of rest. Adequate sleep, regular breaks, exercise, and a balanced diet can improve cognitive function and concentration. Incorporating downtime into your study schedule can help prevent burnout and keep you motivated.


6. Seek Support: Learning is a Collective Endeavor

The journey to becoming a straight-A student is seldom solitary. Similarly, EA preparation benefits from the support of peers, mentors, or a study group. Join online forums, participate in discussions, and don’t hesitate to seek help when you’re stuck.

In conclusion, effective preparation for the EA doesn’t need to be daunting. By adopting the habits of a straight-A student – managing your time wisely, studying smartly, practicing regularly, personalizing your learning, prioritizing your well-being, and seeking support – you can confidently navigate the road to EA success. Good luck!